2023 Term Dates
Monday 30th Jan to Thursday 6th April
Monday 30th January:
Years 7 & 8 only onsite / Mihi Whakatau
Tuesday 31st January:
Whole school onsite / Mihi Whakatau for years 1-6)
Waitangi Day Public Holiday:
6 February
School & TASC Closed: Thurs 16th March / Strike Action
Last day of term:
6th April
Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June
Teacher Only Day: 24th April (school closed)
ANZAC Day: Tues 25th April (school closed)
Teacher Only Day: Friday 2nd June (school closed)
Queen's Birthday: Monday 5th June (school closed)
Last day of term: Friday 30th June
Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Teacher Only Day (during the holiday): Wednesday 12th July
Teacher Only Day (during the holiday): Thursday 13th July
Last day of term:
Friday 22nd September
Monday 9th October to Friday 15th December
Teacher Only Day (during the holiday): Thursday 5th October
Teacher Only Day (during the holiday): Friday 6th October
Labour Day: Tuesday 23rd October (school closed)
Teacher Only Day: Wednesday 24th October (school closed)
Last day of term: Friday 15th December