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Lernen Sie unseren Schulleiter kennen
Frau Roberta Bell
Our families are informed of what is going on in the life of the school through:
Our School Newsletter
Class Newsletters
E-mail updates and reminders
Reporting and Parent / Teacher / Student Conferences
We keep our families up to date with their child's learning and progress through:
Goal Setting Meetings early in the year
A Mid-Year Report
A 3-way Parent/Teacher/Student conference
An End-of-Year Report
Regular communication from teachers

Getting involved
Getting Involved in our School Community
Our families have opportunities throughout the year to contribute to the life of the school, including:
A Meet the Teachers Picnic
Cultural Festivals such as Chinese New Year, Diwali and Songkran
Sports Events such as Cross Country
School Trips
The Thorndon Fair
The Māori Whanau group
Our Asian Families Group
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